Harischandra Mills, The Trusted name for Quality


Our Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

At Harischandra Mills PLC, we recognize the profound responsibility we hold in safeguarding our environment for future generations. Our dedication to sustainable practices is demonstrated through a series of initiatives aimed at minimizing our environmental footprint and promoting ecological balance.

Embracing the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Harischandra Mills PLC has rigorously adopted the principles of reducing, reusing, and recycling to mitigate waste and promote resource efficiency. Our waste management strategy includes meticulous sorting of waste materials, which facilitates effective recycling and proper disposal. Organic waste is repurposed into animal feed, thereby supporting local agriculture and reducing landfill contributions. Additionally, we actively collect and resell plastics and bags, further reinforcing our commitment to recycling. To combat the proliferation of single-use plastics, we have significantly reduced the usage of single-use polythene and lunch sheets within our operations, while providing reusable lunch boxes to our employees to encourage sustainable habits.

Waste sorting

Advanced Wastewater Treatment

Our factory premises are equipped with a wastewater treatment plant that ensures all water used in our processes is treated and purified before being discharged. This system not only prevents pollution but also maintains the ecological integrity of the surrounding environment, underscoring our commitment to sustainable water management.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Harnessing Solar Energy at Udukawa Coffee Mill

In our pursuit of renewable energy solutions, we have implemented a comprehensive solar power project at the Udukawa Coffee Mill. This initiative significantly reduces our carbon footprint by harnessing solar energy to power our operations, thereby exemplifying our dedication to sustainable energy practices and environmental stewardship.

Solar Project at Udukawa Coffee Mill

Enhancing Air Quality with Wet Scrubber Systems

To ensure clean air and minimize the environmental impact of our coffee roasting processes, we have installed an advanced wet scrubber system at the Udukawa Coffee Mill. This technology effectively removes pollutants from the air, contributing to improved air quality and a healthier environment for our community.

Wet Scrubber System

Responsible Polythene Disposal

Our commitment to responsible waste management is further demonstrated through the installation of a polythene incinerator. This facility allows for the safe and efficient disposal of polythene waste, reducing environmental pollution and promoting cleaner production processes within our operations.

Polythene Incinerator