Easy way to remove Jack Fruit Latex/Sap

In a pickle trying get Jack fruit sap off your fingers? Worry no more.
Simply use coconut oil and rescue yourselves following the easy steps mentioned below!
You will need:
– Coconut Oil
– Scouring Pad/washcloth
– Soap
– Water
* Coat the sticky area with coconut oil. If the layer of latex is thick, cover it completely and allow it to set for a minute so that it has a chance to work into the texture. The oil will loosen the sticky residue without damaging the surface underneath if soaked for a minimum of 5 minutes.
* Rub the area with the cloth/scouring pad or washcloth until the mess is gone. Turn the cloth frequently for the most effective cleaning.
* Reapply the coconut oil as necessary until all of the sticky latex is removed.
* Once clean, wash the fingers/utensil with soap to remove any residue from the coconut oil.