Stay Tear-Free cutting onions

When an onion is sliced or diced, the onion’s cells release these compounds into the air in the form of gas, and when this is combined with water in your eyes, it creates the stinging component of sulfuric acid that in turn irritates the nerves around the eyes making them tear.
How do we combat this and stay tear-free?
- Chew gum or chew bread.
- Cut the onion under running water or near water steam.
- Breathe through your mouth and stick your tongue out whilst cutting.
- Light a candle near the onions – the gas released by the onion is drawn to the flame!
- Wear swimming goggles or spectacles whilst cutting the onion.
- Spread citrus/lemon or lime juice on the cutting surface of the board before commencing to cut.
- You can store peeled onions in the fridge up to ten days.
- You can store cut onions in the fridge for 3 days with lime or lemon water (1 tsp) sprinkled on them so that they are ready for use!